Agape Kids

We are Teaching the Word, Experiencing the Presence, and Equipping for Life.
At Agape Faith Church, we believe in strengthening the family, so we want to cultivate a heart after God beginning from birth. During our Agape Kids Nursery and Preschool and Elementary services, we teach age-appropriate Bible lessons in an engaging and hands-on environment. Our goal is to partner with you, the parent, since you are the most effective teachers for your children.

Nursery & Preschool
Birth-PreschoolFor our youngest members, we bring Bible lessons to life through Drama, Song, and Hands-on learning. We focus on age-appropriate Bible Lessons for all of our young children. Our nurseries and preschool classrooms are divided by age. Each classroom has a schedule of activities where the children are engaged in hands-on Bible Learning. We also provide take-home material and information for parents from each of the curricula we use from nurseries through preschool.

K-5th GradeWe pack our Agape Kids Elementary services full of fun activities to engage and educate harmoniously. We teach Bible truths through object lessons, skits, crafts, and games. We make learning God’s Word fun! Our mission is to train children for a lifetime of Godly service to their family, church, and community as we:
- Teach biblical principles
- Provide kids the opportunity to experience the power and presence of God
- Equip them for life as a child of God